Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Force of a Doctor

I like this story because it left a very meaningful message to the readers. This story is an example of a circumstances we experience in every family. I can relate this story to my younger sister because she also have once difficulty in her mouth. She always have tooth aches. But in the case of my sister, she wants to cure it as soon as possible even tough she was afraid to her doctor.

A little girl named Mathilda Olsen had a sore throat for 3 days. She take it as a secret to her parents in order to escape with the dentist. The doctor help her in curing her throat by first asking questions to the parents on were the little girl got her fever. Then, they had predictions that may be she got her fever in the school. The doctor approached the little girl in his best professional manner but the girl still don't give any feedback. The doctor can't wait that he asked the parents' help so that they can be able to know where the fever came from. The doctor started the battle by using his force to be able to cure the sore throat of the little girl. At the end, the little girl give her trust to the doctor together with her tears fell after they finish the battle.

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