Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Clariza Velasco


I’d like to inform DLSC students about the shuttle service of the school. I want to notify them about the different problems regarding the schedule and the routes of the shuttle service. I also want to advice safety measures and tips to the students when taking the school’s shuttle service.

      A. School Service Types

               1. Different Types of School Service (A, B, C)
               2. Difference of the SHUTTLE SERVICE to SCHOOL SERVICE
               3. Color of a School Service
               4. Other vehicles that can be used as school transportation
               5. School Service Rates
               6. Sizes of a School Service

        B. DLSC Shuttle Service Schedule

              1. Time/ Schedule of Shuttle Service
              2. Routes/ Locations of Shuttle Service
              3. Provide map

        C. Student Transportation Safety

              1. Number of students that ride in a school service at a given time
              2. Use of Seat belts
              3. Enough Compartments
              4. Cleanliness of a school service
              5. Tips in riding School Service
              6. School Service Reports and Updates


Toronto Catholic District School Board (2007) School Bus Transportation

Transport Authority (2009) School Bus Services Public 

First Student Inc. (2011) A Safer and Better Way to the School Day 

The New York City Department of Education (2011) Pupil Transportation 

Student Transportation Services of York Region (2011) Welcome to Student Transportation Services

STN Media Group (2008-2011) School Transportation History

UC San Diego (May 2011) Shuttle Service 

Sunday, June 12, 2011



I’d like to inform the DLSC students about the shuttle service of the school. I want to notify the different problems regarding the schedule and the routes of the shuttle service. I also want to advice safety measures and tips to the students in riding a shuttle service. 

      A. School Service Types

               1. Different Types of School Service (A, B, C)
               2. Difference of the SHUTTLE SERVICE to SCHOOL SERVICE 
               3. Color of a School Service
               4. Other vehicles that can use in school transportation 
               5. School Service Rates 
               6. Sizes of a School Service

     B. Shuttle Service Schedule 

              1. Time/ Schedule of Shuttle Service 
              2. Routes/ Locations of Shuttle Service

     C. Student Transportation Safety 

              1. Number of students ride in a school service 
              2. Use of Seat belts 
              3. Enough Compartments
              4. Cleanliness of a school service 
              5. Tips in riding School Service
              6. School Service Reports and Updates 


Toronto Catholic District School Board (2007) School Bus Transportation retrieved from http://www.tcdsb.org/services/studenttransportation.htm 
Transport Authority (2009) School Bus Services Public retrieved from http://www.schoolbuses.wa.gov.au/
First Student Inc. (2011) A Safer and Better Way to the School Day retrieved from http://www.firststudentinc.com/ 
Citizens Information (October 2010) School transport for post-primary students retrieved from http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/education/primary_and_post_primary_education/going_to_post_primary_school/school_transport.html 
The New York City Department of Education (2011) Pupil Transportation retrieved from http://schools.nyc.gov/Offices/Transportation/default.htm 
Student Transportation Services of York Region (2011) Welcome to Student Transportation Services retrieved from http://www.schoolbuscity.com/ 
STN Media Group (2008-2011) School Transportation History retrieved from http://stnonline.com/faqs 
UC San Diego (May 2011) Shuttle Service retrieved from http://blink.ucsd.edu/facilities/transportation/shuttles/

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do’s and Don’ts in Public Speaking

Are you nervous reciting speech inside the classroom? You are not alone, many people have stage fright. For you to be able to overcome nervousness I suggest you first to create a plan so that you can manage your speech according to the way you want and also to be reminded by the allotted time for the speech. Second, know your topic well because it can add to your confidence levels when performing. As much as possible, prepare a note card wherein you can put the whole outline of your speech so that when you get blank you can easily get in to it. Practice at home much better in front of the mirror so that you can be able to correct your body posture, facial expressions and the tone of your voice. You must speak with confidence. Be yourself; imagine the people that you are talking are your friends. Persuade your audience effectively. Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you are saying. Practice your voice in speaking out loud so that the person at the back can be able to hear and understand your speech. Before going to school, I suggest you to drink warm water than other beverages so that you can avoid drying of your mouth while talking in front of the class. Smile before you begin speaking.Take some time to relax your mind and gather your thoughts once you stand in front of the crowd. To understand your speech you must speak slowly and clearly. Keep most gestures at chest level. Using hand gestures while reciting the speech can also help the audience in understanding the topic to match or enhance your message. It is also good to use pauses while talking so that you can be able to organize your thoughts and so the audience can be able to hear your speech clearly. Imagine that you are talking to your friends. Having a positive and friendly perception of the audience can increase your confidence levels. Talk to your audience as if you are talking to a group of friends or to guests at a party. Eye contact is a must. Use the 3-second method, (look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for 3 seconds at a time.) You can focus first on your left side, second is the center and the right side so that you can get the attention of every side of the room and so the audience can also feel that they are involved. You can’t catch the audience attention when you keep your head down in front of them. Focusing at someone sitting at the back of the room can also help you in lessening your nervousness and calming yourself. Add humor whenever appropriate and possible. Remember that an interesting speech makes time fly, but a boring speech is always too long to endure. Keep audience interested throughout your entire presentation. Leave your listeners with a positive impression and a sense of completion. Do not end with an awkward silence or say something like "I guess this is the end of my speech".